Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Can we sing that tune,
Of the birds,
Can we measure that silence,
From above us,
We listen to them everyday,
They are part of our lives,
So much so that they seem like there is no sound,
Listen closely and thou shall find,
Just like the ticking of the clock has blended ,
So has those birds, whose singing has been lost,
In the vagaries of time,
Since our love for ourselves is more,
Than what is around us,
And in time shall nature turn around,
Its fury shall thou endure.


A thousand thoughts,
In my head,
I stop to think and reflect,
Not sure of them,
I proceed to unravel,
The mysteries of the world.

Seeking the answers, we travel,
Far beyond our imaginations can forsee,
We look at life and fathom,
The reasons for the many things that happen,
Of the beginnings and the end,
The questions that can be answered,
And those that cannot Be,
Reliving the happiness,
Cherishing those moments again,
And forgetting the miseries,
Those tumultous moments,
Hoping for their end.
The future a darkness,
But a new day dawns,
Every moment a new life is born,
The laughter continues,
With unabated hope,
Hope for the answers,
And the light in the end,
To reach out and surround,
The sorrow and the unforgiving mind.

A thousand thoughts,
In my head,
I stop to think and reflect,
Not sure of them,
I proceed to unravel,
The mysteries of the world.